Physico-genetics of morphogenesis: the hybrid nature of developmental mechanisms

SA Newman - Towards a theory of development, 2014 -
Like all parcels of matter, embryos are subject to physical forces and effects relevant to their
composition and scale (Forgacs & Newman, 2005). They thus bear the morphological …

On the evolution of morphogenetic models: mechano‐chemical interactions and an integrated view of cell differentiation, growth, pattern formation and morphogenesis

S Urdy - Biological Reviews, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
In the 1950s, embryology was conceptualized as four relatively independent problems: cell
differentiation, growth, pattern formation and morphogenesis. The mechanisms underlying …

[PDF][PDF] Developmental mechanisms: putting genes in their place

SA Newman - Journal of biosciences, 2002 -
Developmental biologists study changes in shape and form of embryonic tissues, the
differentiation of their constituent cell types, the patterned arrangement of the resulting cells …

'Generic'physical mechanisms of morphogenesis and pattern formation

SA Newman, WD Comper - Development, 1990 -
The role of 'generic'physical mechanisms in morphogenesis and pattern formation of tissues
is considered. Generic mechanisms are defined as those physical processes that are …

Generic physical mechanisms of morphogenesis and pattern formation as determinants in the evolution of multicellular organization

SA Newman - Journal of biosciences, 1992 - Springer
Early embryos of metazoan species are subject to the same set of physical forces and
interactions as any small parcels of semi-solid material, living or nonliving. It is proposed that …

Morphogenesis as a macroscopic self-organizing process

LV Beloussov - Biosystems, 2012 - Elsevier
We start from reviewing different epistemological constructions used for explaining
morphogenesis. Among them, we explore the explanatory power of a law-centered …

Inherency and homomorphy in the evolution of development

SA Newman - Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 2019 - Elsevier
Organismal development occurs when expression of certain genes leads to the mobilization
of physical forces and effects that shape and pattern multicellular clusters. All materials …

Coupling of growth, differentiation and morphogenesis: an integrated approach to design in embryogenesis

V Fleury, R Gordon - Origin (s) of Design in Nature: A Fresh …, 2012 - Springer
There is increasing evidence that cellular differentiation is induced by mechanical stresses,
either shear (dislocation of haemangioblasts into erythrocytes and endothelial cells, arterial …

Physico-genetic determinants in the evolution of development

SA Newman - Science, 2012 -
Animal bodies and the embryos that generate them exhibit an assortment of stereotypic
morphological motifs that first appeared more than half a billion years ago. During …

Physical determinants in the emergence and inheritance of multicellular form

SA Newman, M Linde-Medina - Biological Theory, 2013 - Springer
We argue that the physics of complex materials and self-organizing processes should be
made central to the biology of form. Rather than being encoded in genes, form emerges …