Clinical and experimental observation of glistening in acrylic intraocular lenses
A Miyata, N Uchida, K Nakajima, S Yaguchi - Japanese journal of …, 2001 - Elsevier
Purpose: To determine whether or not glistening particles in implanted acrylic intraocular
lenses (IOL) increase with the passage of time. Methods: Prospective clinical study:
Glistenings were evaluated in 31 patients (49 eyes) with implanted acrylic IOL, the emphasis
being on when glistening first became evident and subsequent changes in the number of
glistening particles. Experiment: IOLs were monitored for any changes that occurred with the
passage of time as they were immersed first in a 50° C saline solution and then in another …
lenses (IOL) increase with the passage of time. Methods: Prospective clinical study:
Glistenings were evaluated in 31 patients (49 eyes) with implanted acrylic IOL, the emphasis
being on when glistening first became evident and subsequent changes in the number of
glistening particles. Experiment: IOLs were monitored for any changes that occurred with the
passage of time as they were immersed first in a 50° C saline solution and then in another …
Clinical and experimental observation of glistening in acrylic intraocular lenses
A Miyata, N Uchida, K Nakajima, S Yaguchi - Japanese journal of …, 2000 - Elsevier
Purpose: To study whether the glistening on implanted acrylic intraocular lenses increases
or not. Method: 1. Prospective study: We studied the glistening on 49 implanted acrylic
intraocular lenses, particularly the time of appearance and increase after glistening
appeared. 2. Experiment: We kept an intraocular lens immersed in saline solution at 50°
centigrade for 2 hours and then moved this lens into saline solution at 35° centigrade, and
observed this lens during immersion. Results: 1. Prospective study: Glistening was present …
or not. Method: 1. Prospective study: We studied the glistening on 49 implanted acrylic
intraocular lenses, particularly the time of appearance and increase after glistening
appeared. 2. Experiment: We kept an intraocular lens immersed in saline solution at 50°
centigrade for 2 hours and then moved this lens into saline solution at 35° centigrade, and
observed this lens during immersion. Results: 1. Prospective study: Glistening was present …