[HTML][HTML] Los genotipos de Helicobacter pylori en gastritis no atrófica difieren de los encontrados en úlcera péptica, lesiones premalignas y cáncer gástrico en …

DM Cittelly, MG Huertas, JD Martínez… - Revista médica de …, 2002 - SciELO Chile
Resumen CITTELLY P, Diana M et al. Los genotipos de Helicobacter pylori en gastritis no
atrófica difieren de los encontrados en úlcera péptica, lesiones premalignas y cáncer …

Helicobacter pylori genotypes in non atrophic gastritis are different of the found in peptic ulcer, premalignant lesions and gastric cancer in Colombia

DM Cittelly, MG Huertas, JD Martínez… - Revista medica de …, 2002 - europepmc.org
Background Helicobacter pylori is recognized as an etiologic agent of several gastric
diseases. Bacterial genotypes have been related to clinical outcome in several populations …

Relación de la genotipificación de Helicobacter pylori con la forma e intensidad de la gastritis en población adulta portadora de patología gástrica benigna

JC Araya, L Anabalón, I Roa, M Bravo… - Revista médica de …, 2004 - SciELO Chile
Resumen ARAYA O, Juan Carlos et al. Association between helicobacter pylori genotype
and the severity of gastritis in infected adults. Rev. méd. Chile [online]. 2004, vol. 132, n. 11 …

Virulence-associated genotypes of Helicobacter pylori: do they explain the African enigma?

LE Bravo, LJ van Doorn, JL Realpe, P Correa - The American journal of …, 2002 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare the distribution of virulence-associated
genotypes of Helicobacter pylori in two Colombian populations with contrasting gastric …

[HTML][HTML] Helicobacter pylori genotypes associated with gastric cancer and dysplasia in Colombian patients

YH Carlosama-Rosero, CP Acosta-Astaiza… - … de Gastroenterología de …, 2022 - Elsevier
Introduction and aims Colombia has high incidence levels of gastric cancer that can be
explained by the genetic variability of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Our aim was to …

Genotyping of Helicobacter pylori virulence factors vacA and cagA in individuals from two regions in Colombia with opposing risk for gastric cancer

E Trujillo, T Martínez, MM Bravo - Biomedica, 2014 - revistabiomedica.org
Introducción. La prevalencia de infección por Helicobacter pylori es alta en Colombia; en la
zona andina las tasas de cáncer gástrico son altas mientras que en las zonas costeras son …

[HTML][HTML] Genotipificación de cagA y de la región intermedia de vacA en cepas de Helicobacter pylori aisladas de pacientes adultos colombianos y su asociación con …

M Melo-Narváez, DF Rojas-Rengifo… - Revista colombiana de …, 2018 - scielo.org.co
Abstract MELO-NARVAEZ, M. Camila et al. Genotipificación de cagA y de la región
intermedia de vacA en cepas de Helicobacter pylori aisladas de pacientes adultos …

Helicobacter pylori genotypes and their association with host's immune response

E Garza-González, GI Pérez-Pérez… - Revista de …, 2002 - europepmc.org
Objective To assess the prevalence of vacA and cagA genotypes of H. pylori and the
association with IgG anti-CagA antibodies in symptomatic patients. Methods We studied 50 …

Helicobacter pylori vacA s1m1 genotype but not cagA or babA2 increase the risk of ulcer and gastric cancer in patients from Southern Mexico

A Román-Román, DN Martínez-Carrillo… - Gut pathogens, 2017 - Springer
Abstract Background The vacA, cagA and babA2 genotypes of Helicobacter pylori are
associated with gastric pathology. The objectives were to determine the frequency of …

[PDF][PDF] Prevalence of cagA, vacA, babA2 and iceA genes in H. pylori strains isolated from Colombian patients with functional dyspepsia

AA Galvis, AA Trespalacios-Rangel, W Otero… - Polish J …, 2012 - pjmonline.org
Abstract e clinical outcome of Helicobacter pylori infection has been particularly associated
with virulence genotypes. ese genotypes are useful as molecular markers in the …