Changes in the masked thresholds of brief tones produced by prior bursts of noise

RP Carlyon - Hearing research, 1989 - Elsevier
Thresholds were measured for 5-ms 1-kHz tones masked by synchronous bursts of noise
containing a spectral notch centered on the signal frequency. Thresholds were reduced by …

A release from masking by continuous, random, notched noise

RP Carlyon - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1987 -
Thresholds for 10‐ms sinusoids simultaneously masked by bursts of bandpass noise
centered on the signal frequency were measured for a wide range of signal frequencies and …

Masking of short probe sounds by tone bursts with a sweeping frequency

GF Smoorenburg, F Coninx - Hearing Research, 1980 - Elsevier
The maske threshold of short (⪕ 40 ms) probe tone or a short one-third octave probe noise
appears to increase if the frequency of a tonal masker is swept. Frequency sweeps were …

Factors influencing temporal effects with notched-noise maskers

ML Hicks, SP Bacon - Hearing research, 1992 - Elsevier
Temporal effects in simultaneous masking were studied by measuring the reduction in the
amount of masking produced by a gated masker when that masker was preceded hy a 400 …

Modeling the additivity of nonsimultaneous masking

AJ Oxenham, BCJ Moore - Hearing research, 1994 - Elsevier
Thresholds were measured for detecting a brief 6-kHz sinusoidal signal preceded by a
broadband noise masker (forward masking), followed by the masker (backward masking), or …

Backward masking

JM Pickett - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1959 -
An experiment was carried out to explore the auditory masking effect of a noise burst on a
preceding weak stimulus. A short 1000‐cycle tone preceded a burst of white noise by a …

Improving the detectability of a brief tone in noise using forward and backward masker fringes: Monotic and dichotic presentations

G Kidd Jr, BA Wright - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1994 -
A brief tonal signal simultaneously masked by a brief noise burst became easier to hear
when the masker duration was increased. The signal was a 1000‐Hz tone, 4 ms in duration; …

Changes in the simultaneous masked threshold of brief tones

LL Elliott - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1965 -
Simultaneous monotic masking of a 5‐or 10‐msec, 1000‐cps signal by bursts of wide‐band
noise of 30–1000 msec duration (70 dB SPL) changes and is dependent upon delay of the …

The development and decline of forward masking

RP Carlyon - Hearing research, 1988 - Elsevier
Three experiments investigated the forward masking of brief sinusoids by bursts of noise for
masker durations of between 5 and 320 ms and for masker-signal delays between 5 and 40 …

Downward spread of masking

W Spieth - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1957 -
Pulsed pure‐tone audiograms were obtained in quiet and in the presence of narrow bands
of noise centered at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 cps and at several levels. The masking …